
Heritage Dells and Tripp Ranch
Golden, CO
Recent Homes Sold - Search
To see all the homes sold for the previous 3 years in Eagle Ridge, close the search parameter box and zoom in or out on the map.
If you would like to search for homes sold in a specific timeframe, calculate the number of days back the sale would have occurred and enter the numeric range.
For example, if you want to see the homes sold in the last 6 months, enter the search parameter of 0-180 in the "Sold Date:" inout box.
This map will only show homes sold in the Eagle Ridge Area. If you would like information on homes sold in a different area or if you would like a detailed Comparative Market Analysis for your home, please Contact Me here or call me at 303-668-3526.
You can change the display from the map view to show a list of properties, a split view with a list of properties and the map or a full flyer format by using the scroll bar and clicking on the "Display" drop down menu.
Heritage Dells 5 year Trends

Statistical Information Based on information from Metrolist, Inc. for the period January 2020 thru Dec 2024. Note: This representation is based in whole or in part on content supplied by Metrolist, Inc. Metrolist, Inc. does not guarantee nor is in any way responsible for its accuracy. Content maintained by Metrolist, Inc. may not refl ect all real estate activity in the market.